
Pumpkin hat

Why even the tiniest little pumpkin hat deserves a special place in your child’s memory quilt
Do you remember ……

….. the excitement of experiencing that very first Halloween with your brand new baby , dressing him in the cutest little pumpkin outfit you have bought for him especially.

He was well too young to understand what’s going on and why everyone was cooing over him even more than normal, right ?

But didn’t he look just so adorable in his outfit , you couldn’t stop staring at him, taking plenty of photos to share with family and friends…

……and then the day was over , baby got bathed and ready for bed.  The next day the cute little suit got washed , packed away in a box together with other special little outfits …..never to see the daylight again.

Can you see how such a tiny bright orange and green bit of fabric can trigger so many different emotions in you ?

Do you wish you could experience these feelings of excitement and utter love for your baby on that day over and over again ?

In fact…..every single time you snuggle under your babies first year memory quilt, stroking all the little patches again and again, remembering and telling your child the story about that very first Halloween with you.

Here at Bee My Memory we love a challenge to incorporate even the most awkward of little items into your memory quilt……because these little tiny details to us may mean the absolute world to you…..

…….and that’s why they deserve that special patch in your keepsake blanket.