Frequently Asked Questions
How many items should I send?
The information for each product tells you what you need to send for each item. If you want to send some extra items that is fine and you can specify whether we should try and a bit of each or only use additional items if required. Any that are completely unused will be returned to you with the order. Please feel free to make notes with the clothes when you send them about which ones are most important to you. Don’t worry though about the actual design as we are well practised in knowing what will work well!
What condition do the clothes need to be in?
The clothes need to be clean and in a reasonable state. The more worn out an item is the less likely the final keepsake is to be durable. If it is really falling apart and we think it will have a real impact on the final product we’ll get in touch to discuss whether or not we go ahead or use a different item.
What’s the best posting option?
The best way is package it securely in a mailing bag (as they’re waterproof) and then send it to us recorded delivery or via a courier – something that requires a signature and provides tracking. That minimises the chances of loss or damage. You’ll receive a confirmation email after you’ve ordered containing postage instructions. If you haven’t received your email please contact us.
Can I send more than the recommended clothes item amount?
If you send too much and we can’t use it all we will return any items that have not been cut in to at all. If you want to send more and have particular ideas about which pieces are your favourites please enclose a note with your parcel saying which ones are to be used first.
How long will my order take?
Once we receive the clothes from you we aim to get the item back to you within 6-8 weeks. If there is a specific date you need the item by then put a note of it in the special notes box when you order and we’ll do our best. Please be realistic about the time-frame, these are very bespoke items and they take time! If you need the order more urgently we do offer an Express Service. We can complete orders within three weeks of us receiving the clothes on the Express service.
We cannot accept personalised items back unless they are actually faulty. Please note that there is a wide variation in how the keepsakes come out, due to the very different natures of the fabrics we receive and the final item may well not look exactly like the pictures on our product pages. If you are not happy with your order for any reason please get in touch straight away to discuss it. Non personalised items can be returned in their original condition and packaging within 14 days of delivery. We will then either replace the item or, if you prefer, offer a full refund of the goods less the original delivery charges. All return postage is the responsibility of the purchaser and we recommend that you obtain a proof of postage receipt from the Post Office.
How do I care for my memory keepsake?
For Memory Quilts – Clothing quilts are normally machine washable on cool, delicate cycle. The only exception to this would be where the clothes were not machine washable or where there is a lot of applique work. Air dry flat and fluff in the dryer on a cool setting. Full care instructions are provided with your finished quilt. The first time you wash your memory quilt the backing and binding will shrink very slightly. This is normal and helps the quilting stitches to settle into the fabric, and gives a traditional look.
For Cushions – Sponge cleaning is recommended. Patchwork cushion covers can normally be hand-washed if necessary, reshape while damp and air dry flat.
I have some other questions, can you help?
Absolutely! Please do drop us a line with any queries. It’s a great privilege to create these keepsakes. We want you to love your memory quilt or keepsake cushion and are always happy to help. To send us an email, please use the contact form on our contact us page.