
Why make a quilt or cushion from adult clothing?

There are many reasons why you might have adult clothing that you’re holding on to but is no longer in every day use. Maybe you’ve lost someone close to you, and sorting through their clothes is difficult. Maybe you have uniforms or t-shirts that hold lots of memories but are stored away as you no longer wear them.

A great option is to use the clothing to create a cuddly and useful Memory Quilt or Keepsake Cushion that you can use or display in your home. This way you and your family can keep those special memories close to hand.

Clothing can be a significant emotional trigger, and powerful reminder of those we have lost and events we have shared. Often we are faced with the dilemma of what to do with clothing of those we have lost.  A memorial quilt is a very special way to capture these memories. It’s a great privilege to be commissioned to make one of these Remembrance quilts. They are very special projects, and beautiful memorials.

For children who have sadly lost a parent, a Memory Quilt or Keepsake Cushion made from their parent’s clothes provides them with a comfort now, and a lasting keepsake as they grow older . A Memory Quilt can also provide a very special keepsake for a family who has lost a child.

A Memory Quilt or Keepsake Cushion might help you finally empty that wardrobe, clear that suitcase in the attic or sort out that box of old shirts.

Some people can’t stand the thought of giving the clothes of a loved one to charity and them being worn by someone else, but didn’t want to throw them away – commissioning a Memorial Quilt was a positive solution and a way to keep the memories close.

“You’ve made my auntie so so happy with this blanket. She wouldn’t put it down and she’s been cuddling it all afternoon xx “

I'm currently taking orders for completion in April 2025 Dismiss